Frontend [Lite] | DEV Challenge XXI

These rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Official Rules") are an official document, the rules of the European Open Development Championship "DEV Challenge XXI" (hereinafter referred to as the "Championship"). The rules are created and belong to the organizer of the Championship - WeChallenge OÜ (hereinafter - the "Organizer").


  • FAIRNESS. Competitors must not cheat; all ideas for Submissions must be solely the Competitors. The Organizer has the right to decide outside or even against the Official Rules in special cases to guarantee fairness.

  • RESPECT. Every Competitor has to behave with respect towards the representatives of the Championship, press, viewers, partners, and other competitors; that includes online behavior in chats, comments, and other media. 

  • EQUALITY. No purchase or payment is necessary to enter or win. A purchase or payment will not increase the chances of winning.

  • IMPARTIALITY. Competitors' Submissions are automatically encrypted before evaluation. The Organizer has the right to disqualify the Submission, the text of which contains the data of the Competitor, with the help of which it can be identified, in order to ensure an objective evaluation.


Championship Site — the web page with the link
Championship Platform — the web page with the link
Personal Account — a set of tools on the Championship Platform, available exclusively to an individual Competitor, assigned to him and with the help of which the Competitor can perform specific actions, in particular, receive Tasks and make Submissions.
Stage — the stage of the Championship, limited in time, which is characterized by its own rules and features; The stages of the Championship are: Qualification, Online Round, and Final.
Competitor — an individual who has the right to participate in the Championship and who has registered as a competitor of the Championship on the Championship Site.
Registration — a process of the Competitor filling out the registration form on the Championship Site and creating the corresponding Personal Account.
Online participation (Online) — participation in the Championship by completing Tasks and making Submissions from any place the Competitor chooses using the Internet.
Offline participation (Offline) — personal participation in the Championship by completing Tasks and making Submissions from the place specified by the Organizer.
Nomination — a specialization, profile chosen by the Competitor and within which he will compete with other Competitors of the same Nomination; the chosen Nomination affects the Tasks available to the Competitor.
Judge — a specialist in the relevant Nomination, selected and appointed by the Organizer with the delegation of functions defined by the Official Rules.
Task — a description of a problem, situation, and/or statement of the problem that must be solved by the Competitor; The task may contain requirements for the Submission as well as for the method (methods, technologies, programming languages) of its implementation.
Submission — the solution of the task/case/problem proposed by the Competitor, contained in the Task, in the form of text, images, software code, etc.; the product of creativity and intellectual activity of the Competitor.

A. During the Championship, Competitors at each of its Stages receive Tasks and make Submissions for verification and evaluation. The Competitor can perform Tasks and make Submissions from any place chosen by the  Competitor (Online). Unless otherwise specified by the Official Rules, or not notified by the Organizer before the start date of the Qualification, the competition part, which includes the Qualification, the Online Round and the first day of the Final is held Online. The second day of the Final is held Offline. The personal presence of the Competitor is optional. The exact location of the second day of the Final and other Offline events is notified in advance by the Organizer to all Competitors by placing the relevant information on the Championship Site or sending it to the participants of the event by email.

B . The Competitor independently chooses only one Nomination in which he will participate as part of the Championship. The Nominations for the Championship are:
  1. Backend
2. Frontend
3. Testing
4. Product design
5. UI Design

Competitors of the Championship in different Nominations solve different Tasks, have separate scores and do not compete with each other. The winners of the Championship are determined among the Competitors of different Nominations separately. A list of winners for the Championship, each Stage will be available on the Championship Site and the Championship Platform.


By participating in the Championship the Competitor agrees to be bound by the Official Rules and to all decisions of the Championship, which are final, binding, and conclusive in all matters.

4.1. Language Requirements

The official language of the Championship is English. All official communication and documentation will be held in English. The Championship Site and the Championship Platform have English, Ukrainian and Polish versions. Each Competitor assumes the risks of insufficient knowledge of English and rejects any claims against the Organizer and/ or Judges due to lack of knowledge of the language.

4.2 Registration
  1. The Championship is open to individuals who are at least the age of 14 and have full or partial civil capacity.
  2. Competitors must register at the Championship Site to be able to enter the Championship. Registration is necessary to create a competitor's Personal Account, through which the Competitor can receive Tasks and make Submissions. The Competitor needs to provide the Organizer with accurate and complete information. The Competitor has complete responsibility for his Personal Account and must not transfer the account to someone else. 
  3. The Registration will be held between August 19, 2024, and September 22, 2024.
  4. Registration is considered completed immediately after the registration form on the Site is completely filled out and the authenticity of the specified contact data is checked if such a check is carried out. At the Organizer's decision, the Registration period can be extended or shortened for all Competitors, as well as extended for individual Competitors only for objective and valid reasons.
  5. The Competitor agrees that the confidentiality of his username and password are his responsibility. The Competitor agrees to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under his username and password. 


5.1 The Qualification

The Qualification will be held between August 19, 2024, and September 22, 2024. Competitors, who qualified automatically can participate in the Online Round. Qualification results will be published on the Championship Site. Competitors who participated in the Championship earlier will be automatically advanced to the Online Round without the Qualification. 

5.2 The Online Round

The Online Round will be held between September 23, 2024, and October 2, 2024. 
The specified number of Competitors advance to the Final. Competitors must choose one of the Tasks available in their Personal Account if such a choice is provided by the Judges and solve it before the end of the Stage unless another deadline is set separately by the Organizer.
5.3 The Final

The Final will be held on November 2-3, 2024. 
The Competitor can choose to attend the offline event or take part in the Final online. Competitors independently and at their own expense provide themselves with all the conditions and means necessary for participation in all Stages of the Championship, including, but not limited to, computer equipment, necessary software, a stable and reliable connection to the Internet, and communication (for Online stages), etc.
Competitors independently and at their own expense provide travel, accommodation, and other expenses necessary for participation in the Final and other events held Offline.


  1. Tasks are provided to the Competitor through his Personal account. Changing the received or selected Task is not allowed. The Competitor has the right to ask clarifying questions or ask the Judges for clarification regarding each Task, using the appropriate form in their Personal Account, or in another way specified in the Task. Judges' answers are provided, as a rule, within 24 hours, but waiting for an answer in any case does not release the Competitor from the obligation to send the Submission on time. Tasks are the intellectual property of their authors and/or the Organizer. Competitors are obliged to keep the received Tasks confidential, not to violate their intellectual property rights, and to use the Tasks exclusively for participation in the Championship.
  2. Submissions are delivered through the Personal account using a special form in such a way that the Judges can access them without hindrance. The format defined for the relevant Submission by the Task, or in the format in which the relevant Submission information is usually delivered. Submissions for Tasks in the Online Round must be provided through the Personal Account no later than 23:59 Eastern European Summer Time (EEST) +03:00 UTC on the last day of the Tasks in the relevant Stage if another term is not separately established by the Organizer.
  3. The Organizer and the Championship are not responsible for incomplete, late, misdirected, damaged, lost, illegible, or incomprehensible Submissions or for email address changes. The Organizer reserves the right at any time to disqualify a Submission from the Championship if it believes there are reasonable grounds to warrant disqualification; for example, if the Organizer determines that the Submission does not provide the functionality described or required, or the Submission appears to be purposely designed to circumvent the Official Rules or the spirit of the Championship.


Competitors' submissions are automatically encrypted before evaluation. Competitors are strictly prohibited from providing their name or any other identifying information in the Submission.

7.1 Judges

  1. Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges selected by the Organizer. There are at least 2 Judges in each Nomination. Judges are authorized to check and evaluate the Competitor's Submission assigned to the Nomination. Judges are also authorized to provide Competitors with consultations and clarifications regarding the Tasks. This is done at the discretion of the Judge and is not binding on the Judge.
  2. In their activities, Judges are guided by the principles of objectivity, fairness, impartiality, and equality of Competitors.
  3. If the Competitor does not agree with the Judge's conclusion, he has the right to inform the Organizer about it. In this case, the Organizer may appoint another Judge to consider the Submission or other issue of the Participant to ensure impartiality.

7.2 Winners

The winners are the Competitors who have scored the most points for completing the Tasks in the respective Nominations. The number of Competitors declared winners of each Stage, and, accordingly, allowed to participate in each subsequent Stage, is determined jointly by the Judges and the Organizer.

The principle of scoring points for each task is specified in the terms of the Task or announced separately by the Organizer. Judges also have the right to award additional points for the fulfillment of certain criteria or achievements. Such criteria and the principle of awarding points are communicated to the Competitors in advance.

7.3 Prizes and awards

The Organizer independently determines and sets the prizes that will be awarded to the winners in each Nomination. Judges and partners of the Championship have the right to independently and additionally determine the Nominations for awards, the criteria for selecting winners in the respective Nominations, and award the corresponding prizes and awards. 

Winners are responsible for any fees associated with receiving or using a prize, including but not limited to, wiring fees or currency exchange fees. Winners are responsible for reporting and paying all applicable taxes in their jurisdiction of residence (federal, state/provincial/territorial, and local). Winners may be required to provide certain information to facilitate receipt of the award, including completing and submitting any tax or other forms necessary for compliance with applicable withholding and reporting requirements. 


  1. All Submissions remain the intellectual property of the individuals that developed them. 
  2. By making Submission, Competitors agree that the Organizer will have a fully paid, non-exclusive license to use the such entry for judging the entry. Competitors agree that the Organizer and the Championship shall have the right to promote the Submission and use the name, likeness, voice and image of all individuals contributing to a Submission, in any materials promoting or publicizing the Championship and its results, during the Championship Period and for three years thereafter. Some Submission components may be displayed to the public. Other Submission materials may be viewed by the Organizer, partners, and judges for screening and evaluation. 
  3. By making Submission or accepting any prize, Competitors represent and warrant that (a) submitted content is not copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless the Competitor is the owner of such rights or has permission from their rightful owner to post the content; and (b) the content submitted does not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware or other disabling devices or harmful or malicious code.


By participating in the Сhampionship, the Competitor consents to the promotion and display of the Competitor's Submission, and to the use of personal information about themselves for promotional purposes, by the Organizer and third parties acting on their behalf. Such personal information includes, but is not limited to, name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions, comments, and hometown and country of residence. It may be used in any existing or newly created media, worldwide without further payment or consideration or right of review, unless prohibited by law. Authorized use includes but is not limited to advertising and promotional purposes. By registering to participate in the Championship, the Competitor agrees to receive any communications from the Organizer using any contact information provided by the Competitor, including email addresses, phone numbers, etc.


  1. Any attempt by any person to undermine the proper conduct of the Championship may be a violation of criminal and civil law. Should the Organizer suspect that such an attempt has been made or is threatened, they reserve the right to take appropriate action including but not limited to requiring the Competitor to cooperate with an investigation and referral to criminal and civil law enforcement authorities.
  2. If there is any discrepancy or inconsistency between the terms and conditions of the Official Rules and disclosures or other statements contained in any Championship materials, including but not limited to the Championship Platform, Championship Site, or advertising, the terms and conditions of the Official Rules shall prevail.
  3. The terms and conditions of the Official Rules are subject to change at any time, including the rights or obligations of the Competitor and the Judge. The Organizer will post the terms and conditions of the amended Official Rules on the Championship Site. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any amendment will become effective at the time specified in the posting of the amended Official Rules or, if no time is specified, the time of posting.
  4. Excluding Submissions, all intellectual property related to this Championship, including but not limited to copyrighted material, trademarks, trade names, logos, designs, promotional materials, web pages, source codes, drawings, illustrations, slogans, and representations are owned or used under license by the Organizer. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized copying or use of any copyrighted material or intellectual property without the express written consent of its owners is strictly prohibited. Any use in a Submission of the Organizer's intellectual property shall be solely to the extent provided for in the Official Rules.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to limit the participation of any person in the Championship, amend or interpret these Rules or official communications governing the Championship, or cancel the Championship for any reason with prior notice. Notices for any such amendment, interpretation, or cancellation will be deemed to have been given by posting on the Championship Website. 
  6. Violation of any of the rules listed above in this section or in any other area of the Official Rules may subject the Competitor to sanctions. The sanction is chosen and applied by the Organizer in consultation with the Judges and may be imposed in any of the following forms (or in their combinations):
  • warning;
  • withdrawal of any number of points;
  • disqualification of the Submission (that is, the relevant Submission is not considered and is evaluated with the minimum possible number of points);
  • disqualification of the Competitor (that is, the Competitor immediately stops participating in the Championship and is not taken into account when determining the winners and awarding).
The Organizer's decision regarding the application of sanctions is final and not subject to appeal.


The organizer of the Championship is WeChallenge OÜ, a company registered under the laws of the Republic of Estonia at Peterburi tee 47, Tallinn Harjumaa, 11415, whose registration number is 14310218.

The organizer acts through its authorized representatives. 

Organizer's contacts: